I Love My Boss!

I Love My Boss!

Flowers 2 © Denise Ortakales
Flowers 2 © Denise Ortakales
Bouquet 1
Bouquet 1

My day job—or rather my morning job—is in an office. A few weeks ago, my wonderful boss gave me and a co-worker beautiful bouquets for Administrative Professionals Week. It was especially exciting because my co-worker and I have watched for the past two years as another co-worker (a lovely lady, mind you) received

bouquets with annoying regularity from her significant other. I would NEVER begrudge her her flowers, and its always a pleasure to see them. I just wished they arrived on my desk more frequently. From a certain someone. I've gone as far as entering my cousin's flower shop (The Blossom Shop in Franklin, NH) into my husband's cell phone. I should have put it on speed dial.

Flowers 1 © Denise Ortakales
Flowers 1 © Denise Ortakales

Since I've been taking the watercolor class, I decided to do some of those loose sketches I've been striving for. I'm not sure how successful I was but it was a fun exercise. And now I can enjoy that bouquet of flowers even after they die! Because Lord knows it will be eons before I see another one.

Lifecycle of a Ladybug

Thanks, Mom!

Thanks, Mom!