Thanks, Mom!

Thanks, Mom!

Maman's Poupee © Denise Ortakales
Maman's Poupee © Denise Ortakales

Recently my mother gave me a few of her childhood baby dolls—two well-loved cloth-bodied composition dolls, and one pristine all composition doll. The two well-loved ones went to Mother-in-law to be repaired. The pristine one came with me to watercolor class.  I've dabbled in watercolors before but never taken a six-week class. I kept telling myself I just wanted to have fun, didn't care if I produced anything worthwhile. The goal was to be loose, and to fuel the artistic fire, so to speak.

I started by laying in the background, and became enamored (bad, I know) with the way the Daniel Smith Undersea Green dried, the green separating a bit into yellows and blues, nice and grainy-like. I received so many compliments on it I didn't dare screw up the rest. So much for being loose. I will keep trying however.

So Mom, this is for you.

Kathy Temean posted an interview of me on her Writing and Illustrating BLOG. Check it out. I give a brief description of my paper sculpture process and answer a bunch of questions. Enjoy!

I Love My Boss!

I Love My Boss!

A Working Weekend with Friends

A Working Weekend with Friends